Calibrare geam sofer/pasager

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Daca geamul de la sofer sau pasager nu ramane inchis si se deschide din nou in urma impulsului de "auto-up", trebuie recalibrat.

Pasi pentru recalibrare:

1. Punem contactul.

2. Deschidem geamul complet dupa care il inchidem si chiar inainte sa coboare inapoi scoatem siguranta. (Eu l-am inchis manual deoarece am scos siguranta si geamul mai avea 0.5 cm pana isi facea cursa completa)

3. Am luat contactul si am asteptat 30 secunde.

4. Am pus siguranta inapoi.

5. Testat si acum geamul se inchide ok.

Tabloul de sigurante este la sofer in partea stanga a bordului.
Atasez si "tutorialul original"!

1. Ignition on pos.II (no reason for II vs. I, it's just what I happened to do).
2. With fingers on the fuse puller on fuse#5 (LH door module) initiated Auto-up driver's window with LH door module button.
3. As soon as window reached top (and before it started to auto-down) I pulled the fuse.
4. Turned off ignition, and waited 30 seconds.
5. Replaced fuse.


Edited by SbT
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