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Posts posted by teghe

  1. Salut,si eu am observat aceasta problema l masina,si chiar ma deranjeaza.....si am fost l volvo si mi-am schimbat kedarele..:blush: si acum nu mai am nici o problema....v-a sfatuiesc sa va duceti...daca v-a deranjeaza asa de tare....

    Ai xc60 my10? Si la tine s-a rezolvat cu chederele? Le-ai schimbat pe toate? La ce reprezentanta ai fost? Tu nu aveai chedere pufoase? Eu am dar degeaba

    Astept raspuns urgent


  2. am fost la dealer sa rezolv problema cu vantul au testat masina cu seful service si a observat ca exista o problema intr-adevar. am lasat masina o zi jumate m-au sunat sa o iau ca cica au ameliorat problema...degeaba vantul se aude in continuare. vovlo suedia de azi isi va dori sa nu ma fi cunoscut pentru ca le-am scris ca voi merge in suedia pe banii lor cu masina sa mi-o rezolve

  3. uite ce am gasit pe forumuri:

    -But like I say it is a seal on the A pillar and detailed on the Volvo system as a repair for wind noise. My wife says it is the thin plastic strip that runs down the side of the windscreen that they worked on (the one that is body coloured and about 3cm wide) they told her they replaced the seal.

    -He explained there was a problem with gaps on the door mirror that allow air in at speed creating the whistle. He said it was a 30 min fix. nor sure what the fix is, but will ask next week after. By the way, I have noticed lately that the noise isn't as bad. I am putting this down to not cleaning the car and the gaps filling with grime.

    -It turned out it was coming from the wing mirror not the a-pillar. There is some kind of fix-it kit for wing mirror wind noise that a dealer can get and fit. I *think* it involves sticking some tape over some gaps in the mirror.

    -Just got the car back and the noise is gone :0) It was really annoying. There are now three wind noise fixes from Volvo, the issue with mine was where the mirror meets the body of the car. The mechanic said he took the mirror off and padded the area out using foam tape and then squeezed it back on - no noise.

    -On the second visit they allegedly applied the wing mirror fix. Maybe it was the temperature, maybe it was the wind direction, but the noise went away after the second fix.

    Recently it has come back.

    -Yes she said it was where the wing mirror met the car, especially around where the wires go into the car from the mirror.

    -There is a known fault on the wing mirror fitting that can cause this fault and your dealer will be able to cure it for you. If they deny it, tell them to search for the occurrences of this that were happening 9 - 12 months ago as there were many cars that had this issue - everyone had it cured, me included, and I have zero wind noise

  4. salutare

    si eu aceeasi problema cu zgomotul la viteza de peste 80km. am fost la primus de 2ori intr-o zi mi-au reglat usile dar degeaba. vad pe forumurile de afara ce la toti sunt problema asta. un tip din anglia cica a rezolvat problema in felul urmator":

    There are now three wind noise fixes from Volvo, the issue with mine was where the mirror meets the body of the car. The mechanic said he took the mirror off and padded the area out using foam tape and then squeezed it back on - no noise

    problema apare la oglinzi se pare ca nu sunt bine sigilate.EU NU MA LAS PANA NU REZOLV PROBLEMA ASTA CA DOAR N-AM DAT 5000E PE MASINA SI E INADMISIBIL.

    il frec pe dealer si trimit mailuri la volvo pana imi rezolva problema

    daca mai e cineva in situatia asta rog sa scrie poate gasim solutia.


  5. Asadar dupa o luna si ceva(foarte prompti si astia vad) am primit mail de Volvo suedia unde mi se explica ca pe modelele 2011 nu mai pun proiectoare.PUNCT

    Hai sa fim sanatosi noi da-le draq de fiare!

    "Dear Mihai,

    Thank you for your email dated 23 August 2010, regarding fog lamps for your Volvo XC60 2011. Our sincere regrets for not haven been able to respond to you until now.

    Your dealer has given you correct information. As from XC60 Model Year 2011, there are no fog lamps. Neither as standard, option nor accessory.

    Nevertheless, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to contact us.

    Yours sincerely,