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Posts posted by LucAndrei

  1. adi, sunt de acord cu tine...

    Am o vaga banuiala si simt un aer de ostilitate catre primus, dar.., fratilor, ce vina are masinuta??? ??? pana acum am vazut plangeri ca nu publicitate, nu una alta... si acum cand aveti ocazia sa vedeti si sa testati ultima noutate de la volvo....atuncati cu cionanul (ca sa nu zic altfel)??!! nu mai inteleg nimic.

    @H: dupa mine, as veni in fiecare zi ;D ... (am primit invitatia si voi fi si marti acolo!).

  2. Vedeti pozele de la xc60 de prin saloane si vedeti ce e in realitate... Un xc90 mai mic cu interior aproape de s80 si cu motorizare de s60.

    roskat, permite-mi sa te contrazic oleaca....cel putin intre asemanarea lui xc60 cu xc90....sunt TOTALMENTE diferite ca design exterior. Imi pare rau, dar nu poti, in nici un caz, sa zici ca xc60-ul e un xc90 mai mic....crede-ma, ca in cazul ala nu mi-as mai fi luat xc60. Oricat de mult tin la marca asta, xc90-ul NU imi place deloc!

    Cat despre interior, referitor strict la consola centrala, uitandu-ma acum mai cu atentie, in afara de partea de comanda (asezarea butoanelor), iarasi pot sa te contrazic. sunt un pic diferite. Nu in totalitate, ar fi chiar aiurea ca fiecare masina de la volvo sa fie o alta masina, ci doar atat cat sa existe diferente. Uitate la oricare alt producator de masini si-mi vei da dreptate. Construirea unei alte masini, complet diferite de celelalte masini din gama, presupune costuri enorme si un timp indelungat de cercetare si dezvoltare.

    La fel si cu motorizarea, cate motoare crezi ca ar trebui sa produca Volvo???

    Cu siguranta sunt subiectiv, dar te iei de xc60.....te iei de mine!!!!!  :machinegun:  ;D

    In rest, sunt de acord cu tot ce s-a scris aici : intre o masina "concept-car" prezentata la un show auto si ce va iesi in final pe poarta fabricii este o distanta enorma, dar e logic sa fie asa! Si pt ca tot fu vorba de xc60, vedeti consola centrala a lui prezentata la show (parca cel de la geneva) si ce a iesit intr-un final.


    Sa fim totusi seriosi, masinile prezentate la show-rile auto sunt niste chestii SF...

  3. "Detroit international motor show".

    Extras din newsletter VOLVO.

    "Volvo Cars has engaged world-famous Swedish glassworks Orrefors in the work with the company's next concept car, which will be a first taste of the next-generation Volvo S60. The joint creation, a floating centre stack of hand-made Orrefors crystal, will be shown for the first time at the Detroit international motor show in January 2009.

    In the concept car, the graceful, crystal-clear centre stack forms a gentle, calm wave from the instrument panel all the way to the rear seat backrest.

    "It almost looks like a waterfall from the instrument panel, flowing through the centre of the car," says Volvo Cars design director Steve Mattin.


    Aici link-ul catre newsletter : o poza cu noua consola centrala :



  4. Volvo Car Corporation launches new car building tool online

    The third generation of the car building tool "Build your Volvo" is now complete and ready to be introduced. The visualisation of the cars is greatly improved as is the integration of the tool, from all aspects, with Volvo Cars product information system, to enable a comparison of technical data, pricing and different options available.

    "The customer can create his/her own inquiry/offer and present it to the dealer", says Sofia Heddson Fransén, Interactive Marketing at Volvo Car Corporation.

    "We are very satisfied with the tool now," commented Sofia Heddson Fransén who is in charge of the development of tools and applications on Volvo Cars' website for customers - "The car configurator offers "stepless" navigation, is quicker and more user-friendly and creates several video films and images, internally as well as externally. They are also of a much higher standard."

    Currently 64 % of those who build their own Volvo complete the configuration. Previously, the figure was approximately 50 % .

    When the car is complete, it can be downloaded and saved or emailed to the dealer or to anyone you wish to show the car to.

    The basic data retrieved for the tool is connected directly to Volvo Cars' own production and development system, which means the risk of errors is minimised.

    In the first stage, the car building tool will be launched in 18 of the approx. 60 markets available on the website

    Sweden, Denmark, Italy and the Netherlands have their tools in place. Germany, UK and Spain will be ready shortly.

    Other markets in which the introduction has been scheduled are: Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey, Norway, Hungary, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Ireland and Russia.

    Test the new building tool - the Car Configurator at: Netherlands or Sweden

    ==================================================================================== stiu CAND si DACA va fi disponibil si la noi.....

  5. Oameni isi au rostul..."ciondanenile" astea legate de cutia de sa se ajunga la clasificari si altele...

    Omu' a intrebat care e mai buna...dpdv obiectiv...dar nu se poate discuta obiectiv in legatura cu asta, decat legat de consum, fiabilitate...

    De confort si altele...aici intram in aria subiectivismului....

    Daca avem ceva de spus relativ la aceste aspecte...ok ...daca nu divagam...

  6. Din cate am inteles de la H, ar fi trebuit sa fie 2....iar a 2-a (de fapt prima...) trebuia sa fie cea din toate materialele de marketing ....culoare Terra Bronz, cu motorul T6 - 285 CP.

  7. ...salut...

    toata chestia asta cu georgia acum nato si sua....e o mare miros de gaze naturale... atacat osetia de sud....mare prostie...avand in vedere faptul ca aia sunt protejati de rusnaci...

    ...acum ei de fapt se bazeaza pe faptul ca vor sari nato si sua in ajutorul ce??....sunt o alternativa viabila al gazelor rusesti...doar ne aducem aminte situatia din europa cand putin a strans robinetul....(expresia asta imi aduce aminte de un banc in care partile corpului uman se certau care sa fie sef. ;D...)....iar sua ....e aici e clar baga oriunde e vorba de resurse naturale....logic!!!

    ...oricum fi o ciocnire de OO.... ;)...sunt curios sa vad care le are mai tari decat putin.....din pacate nu prea vad concurenta....

  8. Newslett Volvo:

    "4 million Volvo cars built in Ghent plant

    On August 8, the four millionth car was built at Volvo Cars Gent. It was a Volvo V50, a sporty R Design version, ordered by VDL, a customer from Breda in Netherlands.

    Volvo Cars Gent has been building cars in Belgium since 1965. Initially the plant was set up to avoid the country's high import taxes on finished cars, but over the years Volvo Cars Gent has, together with Volvo Cars Torslanda, become one of the two main Volvo Cars factories.

    The first model assembled in Ghent was the Volvo 120, better known as the Amazon. Other models followed: the Volvo 140 and 240 -series, the Volvo 740 and 940, the Volvo 850, the Volvo S70 and V70, and today the Volvo C30, S40, V50 and S60.

    Volvo Cars Gent has more than 4,000 employees who built about 200,000 cars 2007.

    The milestone of one million cars was reached in Ghent as recently as 1988, and it was not until 1997 that the two million mark was passed.

    In 2004, the third millionth car was built in Ghent and there was a capacity to build 250,000 cars a year.

    2008 seems to be a jubilee year for the production of Volvo Cars. On February 20, Volvo Cars built its 15 millionth car, a Volvo C70, in the Uddevalla plant (a joint venture company with Pininfarina, Pininfarina Sverige AB). Volvo Cars started building cars in 1927 in Göteborg.

    On June 16, the Volvo Cars Torslanda plant in Göteborg assembled its 6 millionth car. The factory opened in 1964.

    And now it is Volvo Cars Gent's turn. The 4 millionth car was handed over to the client VDL, parent company of Steelweld, one of Volvo Cars Gent's main suppliers of production installations for the Volvo XC60.

    In a few weeks Volvo will start assembly of the XC60 in Ghent. This new model is a crossover with which Volvo Cars enters a new and growing segment.

    Production figures of Volvo Cars Gent (excluding 2008):

    Model From/until  Amount

    Volvo 120/1200/130: 1965-1969 26,310

    Volvo 142/144/145: 1967-1974  205,510

    Volvo 240/260:  1974-1984  428,371

    Volvo 740/940: 1983-1992 617,089

    Volvo 850: 1991-1996  596,812

    Volvo S70/V70: 1996-2000 513,746

    Volvo S60/V70: 2000-2007* 897,477

    Volvo S40/V50:  2003-2007  547,176

    Volvo C30: 2006-2007 61,035

    Volvo XC60:  2008 start 

    *Today is not V70 built in Ghent

    Background facts about car production

    Volvo Cars' first car, the ÖV4, left the factory gates in the Swedish factory in April 1927. Up to 1964 production was rather modest. It took the company 23 years, from 1927 to 1950, to build its first 100,000 cars. Throughout the 1950s, however, there was considerable growth, resulting in production being boosted from about 10,000 cars a year to more than 80,000.

    The upswing of the 1950s laid the foundation for a range of important decisions on expansion. The most important was probably to build an entirely new, fully comprehensive production plant in Torslanda (about 15 kilometres from central Göteborg). The initial decision on construction was taken in autumn 1959 and in November the same year work got under way on the site.

    In 1961 the body-building plant was ready and was able to deliver bodies for the Amazon (Volvo P120). In 1962 the paintshop was commissioned. On April 24, 1964, the entire facility was inaugurated, with the assembly plant now also fully operational. In full two-shift operation, there was sufficient capacity to produce about 200,000 cars a year, which was remarkable bearing in mind the annual production volumes of about 130,000 cars.

    But that was not enough. The previous year, 1963, Volvo Cars had opened an assembly plant in Halifax, Canada, with capacity for building 5,000 cars a year for North America. And the following year, 1965, saw the inauguration of yet another assembly plant, this time in Ghent, Belgium, with sufficient capacity for about 14,000 cars a year.

    1964 was the year when the modern Volvo Car Corporation was born with the inauguration of the new Torslanda factory. Until then, the company's operations had been relatively modest.

    Ever since, the factories in Torslanda and Ghent have developed into the main production plants of the Volvo Car Corporation. The assembly plant in Ghent was extended in 1972 with a body assembly facility and paintshop. The factory's capacity has been gradually expanded over the years and the peak year was 2005, when 258,000 cars were produced there.

    Earlier this year, Volvo Cars built its 15 millionth car. It was a Volvo C70 which was produced at the factory (Pininfarina Sverige AB) in Uddevalla, north of Göteborg, and the car was handed over to a pleasantly surprised customer in the USA.

    The 6 millionth car to leave the Torslanda factory in June this year was a V70 Flexifuel (E85).

    When the two sister factories opened in the 1960s, the Volvo Amazon (the P 120 series) was the company's most important model. It was later followed by the Volvo 140/160 and the faithful 240 which entered production in 1974 and continued until May 1993. Other models built in Ghent and Torslanda were the Volvo 740, Volvo 850, Volvo 940 and 960, as well as the first generations of the V70, XC70 and S80. At present, Torslanda's production focuses on the company's larger models (the XC90, XC70, V70 and S80) while the smaller models (the C30, S40, V50, S60 and the latest addition, the Volvo XC60) are all built in Ghent.


    Descriptions and facts in this press material relate to Volvo Cars' international car range. Described features might be optional. Vehicle specifications may vary from one country to another and may be altered without prior notification.

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  9. ...voi activa si eu pe aici limita timpului disponibil.... ce in clubul asta??? dorinta de vreo......eeeee....ani multisori....

    va deveni realitate....cel mai probabil prin februarie ...spre sfarsit.....(anul viitor.. :'( "sa poace" mai devreme....) un XC60.... :yahoo: