
Test de conduita la volan

57 posts in this topic

Here are your personal scores/results in the four areas that we analyzed:


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 75 %


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 60 %


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 57.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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Cred ca 2-3 intrebari nu le-am inteles exact dar per ansamblu sunt multumit de mine ;)


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 55 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 75 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 50 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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Da, e cam subiectiv.

Cand ai peste 150 de cai sub capota altfel iese testul :D

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 55 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 95 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 45 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Very Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 87.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 90 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Fairly Calm Driver

Your Degree of Rage: 27.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

Desi, sunt sigur ca in trafic, as reactiona diferit...

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You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 52.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 50 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

.. adicatelea e ceva putirinta de un road rage  :D

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Si eu  ;D

Here are your personal scores/results in the four areas that we analyzed:


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 72.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Very Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 82.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Fairly Calm Driver

Your Degree of Rage: 35 %

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Nu mah ... ca shofer  :toothy2:

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Poate ora tarzie e de vina  :D

...sau limba engleza  ;D

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Sigur..... :D;D

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Te oftici?

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ScumPULE Astra_...whatever... (ce-i asta.. parca o marca de camila, nu ?). Ce-ar fi sa-ti iei tu frumusel cutiuta de chibrituri "tu-i in port" si sa-ti dai foc pe alte forumuri in semn de protest ?

Nu de alta, dar nu cred ca are rost sa-ti supui la riscuri inutile sinapsele abia in formare, cand ai putea si tu sa te scarpini la oua si sa intrebi "cat baga, nenea ?" precum alti oameni normali de pe forumuri cu masini (pardon... autovehicule) produse la kilogram in fabrica de carnati polonezi ?

Multumim pentru atentie, programul nostru s-a terminat.

PS: Ia-ti si tu un GTC, macar se injumatatesc sansele de macarale rupte si balamale scartaite. Dar vai ! Sa-mi dau genunchiul sa poti sa-i dai a 5-a !!!

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Daca doresti sa le inghiti, o faci. Daca nu poti, te retragi.

DACA erau misto-uri sau nu, cred ca poti trage o concluzie dupa ce cunosti omul fata in fata. Nu am de gand sa tolerez aere de superioritate (vezi exprimarea "Acum serios daca ai cunoaste limba romana cat stiu eu engleza, te-ai putea considera un om fericit.") pe acest forum, si daca vrei sa continui pe acest ton te rugam sa te orientezi spre forumul pe care il administrezi.

In cazul in care poti fi mai tolerant si atent la ceea ce scrii si la ce se poate subintelege din exprimarea ta, data fiind natura NEinteractiva a unei comunitati online, esti binevenit sa ramai.

"Liniutele" n-au fost niciodata un punct de interes pentru mine, asa ca te voi lasa sa le practici cu cine doresti. Nu sunt adeptul cocosismelor si nici nu a demonstrat nimeni nimic cu asta. Poate doar prostie daca s-a infipt in vreun zid. Si cu atat mai mult la motorasul pe care il am.

In concluzie ai atacat, ai fost atacat. Aplicam acordul partilor sau continuam sa aruncam cu noroi. Alegerea ta.

PS: Stau in Aviatorilor, cand ai chef de o bere rece. Fara alcool desigur.

    On-topic va rog mai departe ? Multumesc !

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Sa stii ca nu are nimeni ceva cu tine personal pe aici. Daca nu erau oameni de treaba pe forum nu intram nici eu pe aici.

Chiar ai aere de superioritate si toate posturile tale sunt anti ceva. Esti de multe ori stresant. Parca ai fi un personaj dintr-o carte... cu replici decupate.

Suntem aici datorita interesului comun fata de marca Volvo si incercam sa ne ajutam cu sfaturi sau cu ce mai putem... atitudina noastra este relativ amicala, unul fata de celalat.

Poate ca tu ai cel putin un Lamborghini dar sa stii ca pe acest forum sunt useri cu cate 4-5 masini Volvo si nu de oricare... care trec mai umili decat altii cu masini maxim medii.

Si eu am gresit pe acest forum la un moment dat si am fost corectat.

Daca iei ca "mistocareli" menite sa te jigneasca, posturile de mai sus. Sa stii ca gresesti.

Si daca chiar crezi ca nu o sa poti suporta niciodata un misto... spune-ne de acum...

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La intrunire maine la Polivalenta ? Hai la o ciocaneala intre Burn-uri si voie buna !


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Astra rulllz sau nu rulllz, te rog Scurt si la obiect sa nu mai scrii nimic defaimator cu privire la Midnight. Nu il cunosti ca OM cum il cunosc eu si nu tolerez propozitii ieftine despre el scrise de la o tastatura - la fel de ieftina. Am sa incerc sa nu-mi termin randurile cu semn de exclamare-uimire-suparare,etc.

Te invit la Polivalenta maine Face to Face, in Coarne si oase sa ne putem imprieteni - daca asa ceva este posibil, intr-o prima faza. Schimbam citeva priviri, idei, cafele-sucuri-etc si ai sa-ti schimb Irevocabil parerea despre Midnight.

Nu-mi place sa citesc randuri sau aprecieri de genul "Parca ai fi un personaj dintr-o carte... cu replici decupate." Dupa cum ti-ai dat seama(sper din toata inima) in acest forum nu-si gaseste loc Maneua, Taranul roman(chiar daca s-a cuibarit la oras), Ipocrizia sau o gramada nedescrisa de sentimente indoielnice. Deci, ca sa te citez din nou  - "dar in fine sa vorbim si pe intelesul membrilor crescuti in Ferentari", te rog sa-mi spui un membru al acestui forum crescut in Ferentari. Observi ca inca te rog..

So, nu vreau sa aplic zicala No Brain, No pain. De regula( daca o sa ai placerea sa ma cunosti) sint o persoana foarte pasnica, dar sint Geaman, adica foarte bun sau foarte rau - depinde de situatie - cale de mijloc nu exista la mine.

Inca o data, vreau sa cred ca ai inteles matur toate randurile-gindurile mele si te invit la o intalnire VOLVO-unde oamenii care vin aici accepta multe dar inghit putine.

Cu respect, Matrixxx.

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Daca toata lumea e de acord eu zic sa revenim la subiect.

Daca o sa-si spuna toti membrii forumului parerea la subiectul asta, nu o sa mai intelegem nimic.

Mai facem testul odata:


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 67.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 60 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 72.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 60 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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@Astra-rullz, nu te supara pe noi! Am glumit... Hai sa nu fim copii!! Sincer, eu am probleme cu limba lui William Shakespeare, dar sunt sigur, ca ma descurc cu ´´limba´´lui Pamela Anderson ;)

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Iata si scorul meu, ma asteptam la mai rau dar... :toothy9:


You are a Marginally Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 60 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 65 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 77.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 62.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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Ete ca-l facui si eu, macar sunt safe...

Here are your personal scores/results in the four areas that we analyzed:


You are a Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 75 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Marginally Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 52.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 80 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 50 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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You are a Marginally Safe Driver

Your Safety Score: 55 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 69.19%


You are a Aggressive Driver

Your Degree of Aggressiveness: 72.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 57.02%


You are a Somewhat Courteous Driver

Your Courtesy Score: 52.5 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 73.75%


You are a Potential Road Rager

Your Degree of Rage: 70 %

The average score among all people who have recently taken this test is 55.55%%

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Poate ar fi bine sa il refaceti dupa cateva luni....mie mi-au iesit alte date la inteval de 6 luni...din pacate,am devenit mai agresiv....asta e,crestem odata cu tara...

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