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Posts posted by Matrixxx

  1. "E o masina care imi place si pentru ca toata ziua o injur cand trec pe langa ea totusi este gunoiul meu"

    Imi pare rau sa aud de atitea probleme...Iti doresc sa reusesti sa te bucuri de ea, ca bani stiu ca a mancat ceva....


    P.s. :  si mie imi spun cei cu masini noi ca am un...cazan. Dar nu o dau pentru una noua, plina de plastice si electronice. Sau cu sunet de evacuare emis de difuzoarele din bancheta din spate, brrrrrrrr  :P   

    1 person likes this

  2. Alex, uite ce zic..."expertii":

    "Idle AFR is typically more stable if you are in open-loop while at idle. When you're in closed-loop, the gEGO mechanism makes relatively small changes to the mixture, causing this swing. It's not hurting anything.

    Work on your tune. It's more than likely your fuel map doesn't have enough resolution where you are idling and it's jumping around a few cells that have large changes in the VE%.
    Rescale your entire fuel map to scale from 20-100kPa not 20-255kPa and run the high-res code."

    WOT-ul conteaza, nu idle-ul  :P

    P.s.: poti deconecta senzorul - iti va arata mereu 14.7  :toothy9: